
Suite101 e-Book
Child Abuse and Recovery

Suite101 e-Book Child Abuse and Recovery
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Child abuse, incest, child sexual abuse; all are topics that many people don't want to hear about. However, I believe that these are subjects that survivors need to talk about in order to embark on their journey of healing. I also believe that we as a society, need to listen closer.

As the contributing editor of Child Abuse and Recovery, and an incest survivor, I have met many brave women and men who are in many stages of healing. I am always amazed by how much our stories are alike and how many survivors there are.

There are also, many survivors who are still afraid to tell. It is my hope, that by reading the articles included here, you will find the courage to tell your own stories and begin your recovery.

With hope for healing,
Susan Maree Jeavons

Table of Contents

  • Survivors, You Are Not Alone!
  • Child Abuse and Healing
  • Step by Step
  • From This Day Forward, Anger Management
  • Healing Our Spirit
  • Learning To Trust
  • Examining Self-Deprecating Behavior
  • Forgiving Ones Self-Eliminating Shame and Guilt
  • Honoring The Child Within
  • The Wisdom of A Child
  • The Healing Power of Poetry
  • Come Walk With Me
  • Candlelight Vigil-This Little Light of Mine
  • A Summer Memory, Down A Red Clay Road
  • Metamorphosis-Changes For A Healthy Tomorrow

Book Review by Sam Vaknin
Jeavons is a survivor of incest. Courageously, she embarks on an exploration of the multi-faceted phenomenon of child abuse. Correctly, she observes that such unflinching but compassionate personal quests are the first step on the way to healing. She notes, though, society's reluctance to confront this disheartening and stealth epidemic. It is not easy to be open about abuse. This slender tome is strewn with uplifting but sober quotes aimed at reframing the topic, removing the shame associated with it, and reassigning blame and guilt...more

Suite101 e-Book
Child Abuse and Recovery
