Family has always been a huge part of Lutherans and their experience. From the moment our babies are baptized we raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We teach them—Lutherans have a long tradition of teaching children the catechism and of running Christian Day Schools and high schools. This tradition goes back to Martin Luther even as he penned the catechism “As the head of the household ought to teach his family.” This aspect of the Reformation was so successful that it became a part of the Catholic Counter-Reformation as parishes began schools.
We also gather to bury our departed loved ones, confident that we will meet again on that glorious day of the Resurrection Reunion. We cry when losing loved ones, but lift our eyes to our heavenly Father and his Son, our Savior, whose Spirit comforts us and strengthens us in faith.
This book contains essays and some devotionals dealing with family. I share my thoughts on fatherhood as well as my upbringing. I also share memories of relatives who have died in the Lord and now rejoice with the Great White Host. It is my hope and prayer that as you read these words you recall with fondness your own family and the treasure God gives us in our families.
Table of Contents - Why a Father Gives Thanks
- Luther on Mothers and Motherhood
- Pentecost and Mother’s Day
- Growing Up Lutheran
- A Miracle of Life-A Gift From God
- Matthew's Baptism
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