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Suite101 e-Books, Food and Drink

Suite101 e-Book
Cookbook Reviews: Baking and Desserts

by Kimberly Skopitz
compiled by Jennifer Wickes

Top cookbooks reviewed.

Suite101 e-Book
Southern Cooking

by T. Darlene Cheek

Southern fried chicken, green peas, shredded cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream.

Suite101 e-Book
Cookbook Reviews: International Cuisines

by Kimberly Skopitz
compiled by Jennifer A. Wickes

Find a great cookbook.

Suite101 e-Book
Cookbook Reviews: Lesser Known Cookbooks

by Jennifer A. Wickes

Cookbooks about unusual cooking to add to your kitchen.

Suite101 e-Book
Crazy About Casseroles

by Allison Huller McAlister
Compiled by Maureen Fleury

For a family dinner or a festive buffet.

Suite101 e-Book
Cooking with the Seasons: The Summer Kitchen

by Jennifer Wickes

Brussels sprouts, corn, tomatoes, berries, peaches, pears, cucumbers and more.

Suite101 e-Book
Cooking with the Seasons: The Autumn Kitchen

by Jennifer Wickes

Take advantage of the fresh bounty available and learn a few things about your favorite produce.

Suite101 e-Book
Innovative Cooking

by Lindsay McSweeney

Be creative and innovative in the kitchen/

Suite101 e-Book
Cookbook Reviews: Biographies of Food Lovers

by Kimberly Skopitz
compiled by Jennifer A. Wickes

The lives of cooks and those
whose life is cooking

Suite101 e-Book
Cooking with the Seasons: The Winter Kitchen

by Jennifer A. Wickes

Winter vegetables, fruit
and Christmas

Suite101 e-Book
Cooking with the Seasons:
The Spring Kitchen

by Jennifer A. Wickes

Flowers are blooming...Enjoy this season’s bounty