
Suite101 e-Book
Fun, Fun and More Fun

Suite101 e-Book Fun, Fun and More Fun

Kids, who are the real reason for the Kids Korner community at Suite101, love to read stories about animals, or other kids, or fun things to do. The nice people at the Kids Korner who write the articles in the different topics decided that their readers deserved to have their very own e-book to read.

If you don't know what an "e-book" is, it is different from the kind of book you hold in your hands at school or at the library, or that you have on the shelf in your bedroom. "E-book" is short for "electronic book" which means it is written and published on the Internet. You can ask your mother or father to download it for you, and then you can read it on the computer whenever you want, or you can print it out and staple the pages together to make your own copy. Then you can carry it with you in your school bag or when you go to a friend's house, to share it with your friend.

The nice people at the Kids Korner have put together some of their favorite articles for you. Some even wrote new articles just for this book. There are some neat pictures, too. Some of them (like the pictures of Dustytoo, and the bees in Netiquette) are original works of art by the authors. Others are "clip art" from a web site called Graphics Factory.

You must not copy any of these pictures to use somewhere else, like on your own web page, without permission from the people who made them. If you want to contact Graphics Factory for permission, here is their address: www.GraphicsFactory.com.

We hope you enjoy this special kids' e-book!

Table of Contents

  • Stories by Jillian Gregory
    An Introduction to Seventh Grade Sleuth Star, Sammy Keyes
    The Magical Charm of Harry Potter
    Rabbit or Vampire? You Decide!
  • Stories by Traute Klein
    Cats in Your Garden
    Cats' Paradise
  • Stories by Mary Alward
    Legend of the Easter Rabbit
    Easy Recipes for Kids
    How Robin Got His Red Breast
    Why Should I Read?
  • Stories by Jo Murphy
    I've Been Framed!
    Action Kids Netiquette

You may download the file at any time but you will need the password to open it.

Suite101 e-Book
Fun, Fun and More Fun
