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Suite101 e-Books, Home and Family

Suite101 e-Book
From the Trenches...

A Christian Parent's Survival Booklet
by Sylvia Cochran

Useful information for everyday parenting situations.

Suite101 e-Book
Family Affairs

by John L. Hoh Jr.

Essays and devotionals dealing with family.

Suite101 e-Book
Inspiration for Women Who Don't Conform

by Debbie Koslovich
compiled by Dina Ely

Break out of the mold and vecome glorious, uninhibited beings.

Suite101 e-Book
The Perils of Being Me

by Deborah Ng

The man’s role during late night parenting and other observations.

Suite101 e-Book
Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics - Healthy Relationship Behaviour

by Robert Burney

Romance, relationships and sexuality.

Suite101 e-Book
Quilts Like Grandma Made

by Jeanne Cook Walsh

From the author's grandma to you.